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Dark Experiences at Hexenwasser Söll

Eyes closed, senses on

"Look again carefully, just turn the stone around, ask the witch for advice."

Dominique Dunkelheit

This is what it sounds like when I let myself be seduced into amazement, comprehension and understanding in the Hexenwasser Söll. There are little stories, treasures and wonders hidden everywhere. I just have to open my eyes to them and look very closely, or maybe I have to close them for a moment to see them even more clearly?

Experience feeling adventures and sound journeys

During a visit at Hexenwasser, the witches want to show their guests paths, places and chambers of wonders and give everyone the chance to become an active discoverer themselves. The unique mountain landscape around the Hohe Salve holds countless mystical, traditional and fascinating witches' works and stations. This summer, the witches want to help their guests to slow down their own pace a little and thus perceive everything more intensively.

In short moments of darkness, with tastings, tactile adventures and sound journeys, spaces for intensive dreaming, hearing, smelling, tasting and trusting will be created within a few minutes at all stations at Hexenwasser. The meadows are perhaps a little greener after the little dark journeys, the smell of the flowers more intense, the babbling of the brook more harmonious, the forest floor much softer....Or we are simply happy to see what the world offers us.

New Experiences at Hexenwasser 2023